Online People, Lets you meet new people from your friends of friends or introduce your friends to other friends anonymously.
You can meet new people from your friends of friends.
- We will show you friends of your friends using Online People
- Anonymously select the ones you might want to meet from your friends' network
- If someone you have selected from your friends' network happens to select you back, then we will let you get in contact
You may not want to meet new people right now.But still you can introduce your friends to your other friends that might want to meet each other secretly.
- We will show your friends to other friends and ask if they would like to meet each other
- Your friends will anonymously select the ones they might want to meet
- If someone selected happens to select back to that friend,then we will make an introduction to each other
- Your friends' answers will stay secret and they will not know if they answered for each other
- You'll be the coolest friend at the end of the day :) If you like your profile can be hidden and you won't be visible in the app
Also you can find interesting people nearby or online now to chat or meet.
- Find new people with profiles open for public search to start a conversation
- Filter interesting people based on your search criteria, browse their profiles
- Send a virtual gift to someone interesting by using your free credits given everyday
- If that person happens to send you a virtual gift back you can start a conversation immediately
- 我们将通过在线的人告诉你的朋友你的朋友
- 匿名选择您可能希望从你的朋友的网络,以满足
- 如果你已经从你的朋友的网络选择有人碰巧选择你回来,那么我们将让你取得联系
- 我们将显示你的朋友给其他朋友,并询问他们是否愿意满足对方
- 您的朋友会选择匿名在那些他们可能要满足
- 如果有人碰巧选择,选择回到那个朋友的话,我们会做一个介绍给对方
- 你的朋友的回答将保持秘密,他们不会知道,如果他们回答对方
- 你将是最酷的朋友在这一天:)结束时,如果你喜欢你的个人资料可以被隐藏,你会不会在可见的应用程序
- 寻找新的人与情景对公众开放的搜索开始对话
- 过滤根据您的搜索条件有趣的人,浏览他们的个人资料
- 发送虚拟礼物给自己感兴趣的人使用你的日常生活给予学分免费
- 如果那个人恰巧你送礼物的虚拟回你可以立即开始对话